
The Zettelkasten Method 101 LIVE Workshop

Mastering the Basics to Unlock Your Integrated Thinking Environment

By learning and applying the Zettelkasten Method, you will be equipped with the most powerful tool to solve modern problems of knowledge:

  • Become a life-long learner.
  • Produce high-quality content: blog posts, presentations, podcasts.
  • Come up with solutions, like developing marketing campaigns or business strategies.
  • Get an edge by becoming an early adopter.

Secure a spot now

About the Course Content

This course will give everything you need to start building a Zettelkasten and way more. There will be no filler material about the history of the method or esoteric babble that obscures the practical side.

1. Introduction

After this session, you understand what makes the Zettelkasten Method uniquely powerful and kick-started your Zettelkasten.

  1. First and second principles of the Zettelkasten Method.
  2. How to Create Value with each step of the process.
  3. Create your Zettelkasten now

2. The Good Note

After this session, you create notes that will be actually valuable knowledge and not just dead information.

  1. Atomic Note-Taking.
  2. Value-creating Note-Taking.
  3. Connecting ideas.

3. Creating Structure

After this session, you wield control over your notes independent of the size of your Zettelkasten.

  1. Creating Access Points to Your Knowledge.
  2. Creating Toolboxes for Learning and Creating.
  3. Creating Thinking Canvases.

4. Implementation

After this session, you use your Zettelkasten for real-world results.

  1. Writing Articles, Creating Presentations, and more.
  2. Using Your Zettelkasten for Personal Development.
  3. Using Your Zettelkasten to Learn.

About Me as a Teacher and My Zettelkasten

Expect me to be

  1. Intense
  2. Involved
  3. Demanding
  4. Very Generous with my Energy and Time (thanks Nir for this compliment!) when you put in your effort.

I am using my Zettelkasten and develop the method for over a decade now. I am a coach for health and fitness for 15 years. Expect a coach who has a lot of experience and is a seasoned Zettelkasten practitioner himself.

If you have further questions, feel free to email me: Send an Email

You have such a dedication to knowledge that is very inspiring and you manage to communicate this dedication in the course.

In terms of the course content I find the combination of Deep Work and the Atom to be the most transformative notion, usually when I tried to build my zettelkasten before the course I did either: meandering through a topic and finding links to other concepts or just briefly jotting down (until now I tried to build a physical zk with actual paper zettles!) something quickly not working through the concept very deeply.

I also found the analogy of knowledge work as physical exercise very useful. With workout you get results from being careful with what you do and how you do it (e.g. “junk miles” as supposed to deliberately training in zone 2 or zone 5). Same with knowledge: use better methods and get better results.

Again, thank you so much for the course.

—David J.


When will I be able to sign up next time?

To get notified when the doors open next time, sign up to the newsletter.

I’m poor/a student/a teacher, do I get a discount?

We don’t offer discounts for this course at the moment.

Will there be recordings?

If you can’t attend to a session, I will make the session recording available to you.

I don’t live in your timezone. Can I still attend?

The workshop will be on Saturdays so you more likely be able to attend.

Will I need to use The Archive?

No, the workshop is software-independent, so you practice the principles, not the tools.

Which software will we use?

You can use whatever software you like. I will use The Archive for demonstration purposes.

Do you have more questions? Reach out via email:
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