Tame the modern information chaos!
Create an integrated thinking environment that is better than any AI can ever be.
We understand the overwhelming pressure of navigating today’s information overload. That’s why we’ve developed a solution that simplifies even the most complex knowledge projects, making them perfectly manageable.
Become a Master of Knowledge Development Now!
Create an integrated thinking environment that acts as a cognitive multiplier. By feeding on your notes and using the proper method, you’ll develop a personal thinking and writing companion: your own Zettelkasten.
Read the Blog
The Heist – How to Process a Practical Book Quickly
Those who do not master the exploitive reading method waste a lot of time and energy. Not every book should be processed in the same way.
Strange Loops: Reading a Book on How to Read a Book
How to transform insights from “How to Read a Book” by Adler/van Doren into actionable strategies to improve your reading.
The Zettelkasten in Action: My Book on Habit
A book to show the power of the Zettelkasten, to change the perception what kind of books are even possible, and change the way we think about habits.
The Iceberg Theory of the Zettelkasten Method — Exploring the Depths
The realisation that linked notes are more useful than unlinked notes should be the start of your journey into the depths.
Celebrating The Archive Anniversary with Exclusive Discounts
We celebrate the app anniversary with a three-day discount run.
Field Report #7: How I Process “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
First, ask yourself what the source requires of you. The individual in “individualising the way of working” is the source you are processing, not you.