
Posts tagged “sublimetext”

Sublime Text 3 Zettelkasten Plugin

Rene from the forums did publish a Sublime Text 3 Zettelkasten plugin for better note-taking with Sublime. (See the discussion there.)

The plugin features:

  • Clickable Wiki-style links like [[this one]], creating notes that do not yet exists
  • Auto-completion of note titles when you begin typing [[
  • Shortcuts to create new notes including a generated ID
  • The ID format is the trusted and true data-based YYYYMMDDHHMM, for example: 201710282111
  • Highlighting of note links, #tags, and footnote references [^like this one]

Huge shout-out to Rene 🙌

Maybe Sublime Text Works Well for a Zettelkasten

Forum user Chris wrote a blog post with a dozen assorted things, including cool features that make Sublime Text a good fit for the Zettelkasten Method. I did not know you cannot print from Sublime, that sure came as a surprise.

A full-blown review would be great to have one day, it seems, especially since fellow reader Dan Sheffler used to maintain a Notational Velocity-style plugin. Maybe Sublime 3 can really become quite a good fit for cross-platform usage.