
API Documentation

These are the global variables that The Archive makes available to your scripts:

Variable Type Description
app Object Interface to (some) app remote control functionality.
console Object Logs informational or error messages.
cancel Function Immediately terminates script execution.
input Object Contains all app input ports (as requested by the Manifest)
output Object Contains all app output ports (as requested by the Manifest)

And these are the global functions:

Function Description
cancel() Immediately abort script execution without performing any effect.

app Global Object

This global objects groups “remote control” functionality: things you want The Archive to do on the user’s behalf, and user interface interactions.

Variable Type Description
app.extractNoteID(args) Function Returns the ID from e.g. a filename.
app.prompt(args) Function Prompt for user input.
app.search(args) Function Search for notes like the user would.
app.unusedFilename() Function Generates a filename that’s still free.

app.extractNoteID(args): Returns the ID From a Filename

This is a call to what The Archive uses to detect note ID’s according to the user’s settings.

As of v1.8.0, this will effectively extract date-time-stamps from filenames. Custom identifier schemes are not yet supported in the app.

Note: If you want to support your own identifier schemes (like Folgezettel ID’s), you will need create your own extraction function. In future updates, you’ll be able to let the user of your plug-in choose your function as a means to obtain ID’s from note filenames. See discussion on sharing data between plug-ins.

// Imagine you get a filename from a list of all notes:
const filename = "202410060932 My most amazing discovery";
const identifier = app.extractNoteID(filename);
// => "202410060932"


Name Type Description
args String Filename (or other piece of text) to get the ID from.


Either a string when a match is found or null if no match is found.

app.prompt(args): Prompting for User Input

Interactively ask the user to provide text in a dialog:

const filename = app.prompt({
  title: "New Filename",
  description: "The new note will be saved with this filename.",
  placeholder: "Filename",
  defaultValue: "Daily Dashboard"

Screenshot of the dialog

The prompt’s buttons are labeled “Submit” to confirm the input and send the result to your plug-ins JavaScript, and “Cancel” to dismiss the dialog and return undefined to JavaScript.

If the user hits the Cancel button or confirms with an empty text field, but you require non-empty input, you can abort script execution:

if (filename === undefined || filename.trim() === "") {
  cancel("User did cancel instead of provide a filename.");


Name Type Description
args Object Arguments object with the following keys:
args.title String Prompt message, used as the title.
args.description [String] Optional alert text explaining what the input will be use for.
args.placeholder [String] Optional placeholder value for the text field.
args.defaultValue [String] Optional initial value displayed in the text field.


The text entered by the user on successful completion, or null if the prompt was canceled.

app.search(query, includeResults): Search for Notes

Since The Archive uses a “link as search” approach, you can use this both as a full text search and as a mechanism to resolve links:

// Return search results for full text search:
const searchResults = app.search("some search");
// Only produce a best match, if any, to speed up link resolution.
const linkTarget = app.search("202411071201", false).bestMatch;


Name Type Description
query String Search string (“needle”) to look for.
includeResults Bool Whether to produce a list of results, or only the bestMatch. (Default: true)


The search function returns an object of this rough form:

  "results": [
    {"filename": ..., "content": ...},
  "bestMatch": {
    "filename": ..., 
    "content": ...

So when you set includeResults to false for efficient link resolution, and a best match is found, you get:

  "results": null,
  "bestMatch": {
    "filename": ..., 
    "content": ...

console Global Object

console.error(args): Logs Information to Indicate an Error

Logging errors this way doesn’t affect how plug-ins are executed and the effect is merely decorative at the moment. Future development environment changes may react differently and help debug problems.

if (!somePreconditionIsMet) {
    console.error("Could not ensure precondition (...)"); 


Name Type Description
args String Text to add to the log as an error.

console.log(args) or .info(args): Logs Information

A call to console.info(...) has the same effect as console.log(...): it adds a line of text to the log that you can access from The Archive’s “Debug” menu, or the log files.

const identifier = app.extractNoteID(filename);
console.log("Extracted ID: " + identifier);


Name Type Description
args String Text to add to the log.

cancel(message): Abort Execution

To cancel plug-in execution, for example when an important pre- or postcondition cannot be met, use the global cancel() function to exit early before any effects are executed:

const title = app.prompt(title: "Title For New Note");
if (title.trim() === "") {
  cancel("No title provided");


Name Type Description
message [String] Optional reason that shows up in logs to help you debug.

input Global Object

In general, you can only read from the input object and its attributes. The Archive will provide data to you, but you cannot change it. You can change a copy of the data, though, in case you want to e.g. filter notes:

let allNotes = input.notes.all;
// ... change `allNotes` here ...


Variable Type Description
input Object Holds the input ports as requested by the Manifest.
input.notes Object Holds the note input ports as requested by the Manifest.
input.notes.all Array of Objects Either all notes, or all searched notes.
input.notes.selected Array of Objects Selected note, or notes.
input.text Object Holds the text input ports as requested by the Manifest.
input.text.all String Full text of the currently edited note.
input.text.selected String Selected/highlighted text in the editor.
input.pasteboard Object Holds the input port for the system-wide pasteboard.
input.pasteboard.content [String] System-wide pasteboard’s text content.

output Global Object

In general, you can write to almost all output ports, i.e. the innermost attributes in the output object.

Note: You can’t get all output ports at once, since e.g. the file output ports are mutually exclusive.

Actually, if you want to produce an effect like create a file, it is expected that you change the file content – even to an empty string! Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Notable exceptions are:

  1. the output.newFile.filename attribute, which is always read-only, and provided by the app during execution of the script;
  2. the output.changeFile.filename attribute, which is read-only in case your plug-in’s Manifest file specifies a fixed filename, like so:
  "output" : {
    "changeFile" : "Fixed Filename"

In that case, output.changeFile.filename can be read and will return the string "Fixed Filename" in this case. If you use dynamic filenames that can be set from within the plug-in code, your Manifest has to specify it like so:

  "output" : {
    "changeFile" : { "programmatic": true }

Then the attribute can be written to like most of the others.


Variable Type Description
output Object Holds the output ports as requested by the Manifest.
output.changeFile Object File output port to change (replace) a file with a known file name.
output.changeFile.filename String File name of the file that’s being replaced. (Mutable for dynamic file names.)
output.changeFile.content String Content of the file that will be changed (replaced).
output.newFile Object File output port to create a new file like the user would.
output.newFile.filename String File name that will be created. (Read-only.)
output.newFile.content String Content of the file that will be created.
output.insert Object Editor text output port to insert content.
output.insert.text String Text to type on behalf of the user.
output.pasteboard Object Output port for the system-wide pasteboard.
output.pasteboard.content String Text to copy to the system-wide pasteboard.
output.display Object Output port for non-file-backed display of contents.
output.display.content String Text to show in a separate window.