Posts tagged “value-creation”
Develop Empathy with your Future Self
Dear Zettlers, There is one trait that needs to be developed if you want to make any long-term system work: This trait is a proper relationship with your future self. To understand how a proper relationship with your future self is developed, we need to understand the nature of our future self.
Every Step in the Process Must be Knowledge-Based Value Creation

“The Zettelkasten Method is so labor-intensive. I don't have time to also maintain a Zettelkasten.” -- This, or something like it, is a regular concern when people engage with the Zettelkasten Method. And with good reason, because on the forums and Reddit you can see that care and maintenance seems to be a big part of the Zettelkasten Method. That's a problem of the implementation.
How Value is Created in a Zettelkasten (and Any System of Knowledge Work)

The first question we need to ask ourselves is: What is value? I propose a simple answer to this question: Valuable is what is useful to us. Let’s look into knowledge on nutrition as an example: Knowing how to eat healthy is not very useful to a lot of people because this knowledge is not put into practice. Most of the time this knowledge is not what is needed. Eating healthy is rather about building habits. Then again, knowledge on healthy nutrition becomes useful when those healthy habits are built.