Posts tagged “depth-of-processing”
Mindscapes: The Zettelkasten as a Thinking Environment

In the past article Mindscapes: Thinking Environments in Your Way of Living we looked at thinking environments in your life in general. One of these thinking environments is the Zettelkasten. Cal Newport sees the Zettelkasten Method as one of the many ways of managing knowledge. In doing so, he overlooks a very special characteristic of the Zettelkasten: the Zettelkasten is a very special thinking environment: it is integrated.
Cal’s Books are Salad
Hi Zettlers, What kind of (information) food are Cal Newport’s books? This is the question that I try to answer for myself. His term “ultra-processed content” is spot on for the
process that both food and content processing share: It is about
refining and combining key stimuli. Sugar, Fat, Salt, Protein — each
are specific stimuli that in isolation are not particularly
understandable (try eating pure sugar). However, cloaked in
engineered food and especially in combination, you can overload the
brain and generate the (hyper-)palatability.
The Iceberg Theory of the Zettelkasten Method — Exploring the Depths

The Zettelkasten Method is not only a method of knowledge work. It is also a diagnostic tool. To demonstrate this, I would like to start with a short story from my work as a health and fitness trainer: A client contacted me because she wanted to lose weight. We discussed her situation and I sent her the first steps. One month later, she reported failure. She was unable to implement the program that we had discussed together. We reduced the program because my client said she was unable to implement it as planned due to time constraints and stress. The pattern repeated the next month. So we looked more closely for the causes. A surprising problem came to light: